good thanks 2020 for all memories and all sorrow, i hope i have a lot of money, become a better person, become more appreciative of time and everyone is happy
If Clause Type 3 Form if + Past Perfect, main clause with Conditional II Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation. The main clause can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, don't use a comma. Example: I would have sent her an invitation if I had found her address. Note: Main clause and / or if clause might be negative. See Past Perfect and Conditional II on how to form negative sentences. Example: If I hadn’t studied, I wouldn’t have passed my exams. Use Conditional Sentences Type III refer to situations in the past. An action could have happened in the past if a certain condition had been fulfilled. Things were different then, however. We just imagine, what would have happened if the situation had been fulfilled. Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation. Sometime in the past, I wanted to send an invitation to a friend. I didn't find her ad...
INVITATION hallo guys i can tell you about my english project invitation card and dialog with my friend, Nicole. this is my sample invitation card During this lesson you learn the basic on how to invite people in a formal and informal way. The lesson also covers how to accept invitations and how to decline them in a polite way. Formal invatations Formal is a more polite way of asking for people you don't know that well I was wondering if you would like to join us for a meal. Perhaps you would like to have dinner at my home. Perhaps you would like to come round for a meal. We would like to invite you to dinner. I thought you might like to try some of our local cuisine. There’s a really nice place just a few minutes from here. There’s a pretty good place you might like which specializes in steaks. There’s a really nice place just a few down the road. There’s a really nice place just round the corner. There’s a great new place with a fantastic view of the city. Inf...
Hello everyone, my name is Aliffia anassyahtira hamzah. My nickname aliffia. Im I was born on October 1st, 2004 in jakarta. Im school at SMAN 27 jakarta in XI IPA 1 class. I live in Jl.Kawi-kawi atas, with my parents and two siblings (one sister and one brother). I'm from Indonesia, i'm the first child in my family. The school subjects that I love are math and science, they are so challenging but also fun. My hobby is watch movies because it's open my mind and make me fun. I usually watching a movie with my siblings, and i like futsal, i joinned the futsal club of my school, so that my talent is trained. That's all about myself. Thank you for attention.
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